
de Jesus C.V. 2018 in PDF


Curriculum Vitae

Melinda Luisa de Jesús

Associate Professor, Diversity Studies and Critical Studies

Humanities and Sciences Division

California College of the Arts




Areas of Specialization

Filipinx American cultural production, girls’ studies, Asian American literature, multicultural children’s literature, comparative American ethnic studies


PhD Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz

MA Women’s Studies, University of York, England

BA magna cum laude, Classical Civilizations, Lehigh University

Professional Appointments

2014-2018 Chair, Diversity Studies, California College of the Arts

2011-2012 Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Centre for Women’s Studies, University of York, UK

2010-2011 Interim Chair, Critical Studies, California College of the Arts

2008-2011 Chair, Diversity Studies, California College of the Arts

2005-present Associate Professor of Diversity Studies and Critical Studies, California College of the Arts

1999-2005 Assistant Professor of Asian Pacific American Studies, Arizona State University

Spring 1999 Visiting Scholar, Center for the Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity, Stanford University

Winter 1999 Visiting Scholar, Women’s Studies Program, Lehigh University

1996-1999 Assistant Professor of Asian American Studies, San Francisco State University

1995-1996 Citibank Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Vermont

1990-1995 Graduate Teaching Fellow and Teaching Assistant, UC Santa Cruz


Poetry Collection

peminology (70 page poetry collection). San Mateo: Paloma Press, March 2018.


Don’t Judge A Book by Its Cover: Feminist Subversion via Revisionist Fairy Tales Found in Altered Picture Books from the National Girls’ School West’s Library, 2021- 2031, or The Discovery of Fuck Happily Ever After: Kwansabas and Nonets for Rebel Girls.” Hybrid prose/poetry chapbook. Under review with Calyx Press.

Bellies,” “Pantoum for Eloisa” and “Polvo.” Ano Ba Magazine, Issue 3 (December 2017), 32-34, 58, 76-78.

Letter to the CDC” and “Exegesis on Banned Words: A Proof.” In Evidence of Fetus Diversity. Ed. Eileen Tabios. Locofo Chaps/Moria Poetry, December 2018.

Vagenda of Manicide and Other Poems. Chapbook and e-chapbook. Chicago: Locofo Chaps/Moria Poetry, 4 December 2017.

Bellies.” The Mother of All Stories/ Asian Women United. August 2017.

Hay(na)ku: For the white feminist professor who told me I was ‘ghettoizing’ myself by doing Asian American Literature,” Rigorous, Issue 3: Resistance, July 20, 2017.

Ivanka’s New Rules for Excess,”and “For All the Grrls at the Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester, May 22, 2017,” Local Nomad Journal: Truth or Consequences Issue (June 2017).

On Grandma and Balut,” an ekphrastic poem in response to Jeanne F. Jalandoni’s “Balut Studies” (2013), http://www.filamartistdirectory.com/call-for-writing/#/on-grandma-and-balut/ (28 May 2017)

Alternative Endings for Ms. Eudocia Pulido” and “Eudocia Speaks.” In “Poetry in Response to Alex Tizon’s My Family’s Slave.” Galatea Resurrects. Edited by Eileen Tabios. 28 May 2017. http://galatearesurrects2017.blogspot.com/2017/05/poetry-in-response-to-alex-tizons.html http://galatearesurrects2017.blogspot.com/2017/05/melinda-luisa-de-jesus.html

From Kellyanne’s Microwave” and “From Trump’s Microwave.” Reprinted in Machine Dreams ‘Zine. Ed. Margaret Rhee/ Research for Poetics and Equality, UCLA, https://issuu.com/repcollective/docs/machine_dreams_issuu (5 May 2017), 23.

To Dana Schutz, Regarding Your Painting, Open Casket.” Konch Magazine #212, April/May 2017, http://ishmaelreedpub.com/to-dana-schutz-regarding-your-painting.

James Brown’s Wig and Other Poems. Chapbook and e-chapbook. Chicago: Locofo Chaps/Moria Poetry, 4 April 2017.

Adios, Trumplandia! Chapbook and e-chapbook. Chicago: Locofo Chaps/Moria Poetry, 23 March 2017

Lesson on Menopause for SCROTUS, or Menopausal Justice Warriors Give No Fucks!” in Menopausal Hay(na)ku for P-ssygrabbers Ed. Eileen Tabios. Locofo Chaps, March 2017. 8-10.

Defying Trumplandia: More Pithy Peminist Poetry. Chapbook and e-chapbook. Chicago: Locofo Chaps/Moria Poetry, 3 March 2017.

Petty Poetry for SCROTUS’ Girls, with poems for Elizabeth Warren and Michelle Obama. Chapbook and e-chapbook. Chicago: Locofo Chaps/Moria Poetry, 3 March 2017.

An Engineer’s Dream: For Srinivas Kuchibhotla, RIP, and my father, Jose Maria de Jesús

(1930-1999),” Rat’s Ass Review, 3 March 2017.

For Alan Kurdi, the 3 year old Syrian boy found washed ashore Bodrum, Turkey, on September 2, 2015.” First Prize, Tactus SF Renaissance Chorus’ Inaugural Poetry Competition, February 2017. http://www.tactus-sf.org/p/season.html

Humpty Drumpfty and Other Poems. Chapbook and e-chapbook. Chicago: Locofo Chaps/Moria Poetry, 9 February 2017.

Humpty Drumpfty.” The New York Times’ Donald Trump Poetry Competition, February 2, 2017. https://kristof.blogs.nytimes.com/2017/01/23/enter-my-donald-trump-poetry-contest/?comments#permid=21320788

How to explain.” Rabbit and Rose, December 19, 2016.

On 2016: Three Poems.” Konch Magazine, December 13, 2016.

Anti-imperialist grrl raising a hapa feminist boy: a peminist mom’s progress. AKA For Stinson.” In Completely Mixed Up: Mixed Heritage Asian North American Writing and Art. Ed. Brandy Lien Worral. Vancouver: Rabbit Fool Press, 2015.


In preparation. Grab This! Anthology of Pussy-Positive Art and Writing Against Sexual Assault, Rape Culture and Misogyny. Ed. Melinda Luisa de Jesús. Meritage Press (Napa, CA) and Paloma Press (San Mateo, CA), May 2018.

Pinay Power: Peminist Critical Theory. Theorizing the Filipina/American Experience. Ed. Melinda L. de Jesús. New York: Routledge Press, 2005.

Refereed Articles (selected)

Melinda Luisa de Jesús, Patti Duncan, Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt, and Linda Pierce Allen. “Asian American Mothering as Feminist Decolonizing Reproductive Labor: Four Meditations on Raising Hapa Boys,” in Mothering in East Asian Communities: Politics and Practices, Patti Duncan and Gina Wong, eds. Demeter Press, August 2014.

Acts of ‘Desi-creation’ in Tanuja Desai Hidier’s South Asian American Young Adult Novel, Born Confused.” In Ethnic Literary Traditions in American Children’s Literature. Eds. Michelle Pagni Stewart and Yvonne Atkinson. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 134-146.

The Challenge of the White Male Heterosexual: Dealing with Resistance to Queer Studies in the Ethnic Studies Classroom.” In Challenging Homophobia: Teaching about Sexual Diversity. Lutz van Dijk and Barry van Driel, eds. London: Trentham Books, 2007. 127-138.

“’The sound of bamboo planted deep inside them:’ Creating Lakas and the Manilatown Fish, the First Tagalog-English Book from The Children’s Book Press.” The Lion and the Unicorn 30:2 (April 2006), 202-217.

Introduction: Toward A Peminist Theory, or Theorizing the Filipina/American Experience.” In Pinay Power: Peminist Critical Theory, ed. Melinda L. de Jesús. New York: Routledge Press, 2005. 1-16.

Fictions of Assimilation: Nancy Drew, Cultural Imperialism, and the Filipina/American Experience.” Delinquents and Debutantes: Twentieth Century American Girls’ Culture. Ed. Sherrie Inness. New York: New York University Press, 1998. 227-246.

Reprinted in Pinay Power: Peminist Critical Theory: Theorizing the Filipina/American Experience. Ed. Melinda L. de Jesús. New York: Routledge Press, 2005. 45-60.

Of Monsters and Mothers: Filipina American Identity and Maternal Legacies in Lynda Barry’s One Hundred Demons.” Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 5:1 (Fall 2004), 1-26.

Reprinted in Multicultural Comics: From Zap to Blue Beetle. Ed. Frederick Luis Aldama. Austin: U Texas Press, 2010. 73-92.

“’R.A.W: Raunchy Asian Women’ and Resistance to Queer Studies in the Asian Pacific American Studies Classroom.” Radical Teacher 70 (Fall 2004), 26-31.

Liminality and Mestiza Consciousness in Lynda Barry’s One Hundred Demons.” MELUS Journal 29:1 (Spring 2004), 219-252.

Reprinted in Approaches to Multicultural Comics: From Zap! To Blue Beetle. Ed. Frederick Luis Aldama. University of Texas Press, Summer 2010.

Mixed Blessings: Korean American Identity and Interracial Interactions in the Young Adult Novels of Marie G. Lee.” The Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 28:2 (Summer 2003), 98-109.

Rereading History, Rewriting Desire: Tracing Queerness in Carlos Bulosan’s America Is in the Heart and Bienvenido Santos’ Scent of Apples.The Journal of Asian American Studies 5:2 (June 2002), 91-111.

Two’s Company, Three’s a Crowd? Reading Interracial (Heterosexual) Romance in Contemporary Asian American Young Adult Fiction.” LIT: Literature, Interpretation, Theory 12 (2001), 313-334.

“’A walkin’ ‘fo de (Rice) Kake: A Filipina American Feminist’s Adventures in Academia or, A Pinay’s Progress.” Sisters of Color International (SOCI) On-line Journal. 1:1 (November 2000) <http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~womenstd/SOCI/cakewalk.html>.

Reprinted in Pinay Power: Peminist Critical Theory: Theorizing the Filipina/American Experience. Ed. Melinda L. de Jesús. New York: Routledge Press, 2005. 259-272.

Transforming Pedagogy: Integrating New Media Technologies and Asian American Studies.” Works and Days: Special Issue on Teaching and Technology 16:1-2 (1998-1999), 291-308.

Reprinted as “Integrating New Media Technology and Asian American Studies” in Engines of Inquiry: Approaches to Teaching, Learning and Technology in American Culture Studies. Second Edition. Eds. Michael Coventry and Randy Bass. Georgetown: American Studies Crossroads Project and the American Studies Association, September 2003. 105-120.

Awards and Honors

2017 peminology (chapbook), Finalist, Swanscythe Chapbook Competition

2017 peminology (chapbook), Honorable Mention, Wild Leek Press Inaugural Chapbook competition

2006 Pinay Power: Peminist Critical Theory nominated for the 2006 Association for Asian American Studies Book Award

2003 Council of Remarkable Filipina Women, Filipina Women’s Network (FWN)

2002 UBIQUITY (ASU Staff and Faculty Supporting Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues) Ally Award

2002 Nominated for the ASU Associated Students Centennial Professorship

2001 ASU Commission on the Status of Women Outstanding Achievement Award

Grants and Fellowships

2011-2012 UK Fulbright Scholar Award for Research and Teaching, Centre for Women’s Studies, University of York

2010 National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) Women of Color Leadership Program Fellowship

2005 Carnegie Foundation/Visible Knowledge Project Writing Residency Fellowship, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Palo Alto, CA

2001 ASU Wakonse Teaching Fellowship

2000-2005 Independent Faculty Investigator with The Visible Knowledge Project, Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship (CNDLS), Georgetown University

1998 Rockefeller Humanities Foundation Summer Research Seminar Fellowship, Womanist Studies Consortium, University of Georgia

1995 Citibank Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Vermont

Invited Talks (selected)

2017 LitCrawl SF, “Four Sheets to the Wind” panel, Dovre Club, San Francisco.

2017 Fourth Annual Filipino American Book Festival panel on Ekphrasis, SF Public Library, October 2017

2017 Literoke Poetry Reading, Association for Asian American Studies, Portland, April 2017.

2015 “On Pinay Power.” Keynote speaker, Pinay Appreciation Dinner, Kaibingan Pilipino, Multicultural Center, UC San Diego, April 8th.

2015 “My Academic Journey as a Pinay,” Chat and Chew faculty dinner/presentation series, First Year Program, California College of the Arts, February 2015.

2012 “21st Century Girls’ Studies: What the Future Holds,” UK Fulbright Forum, University of Glasgow, Scotland, January 2012..

2009 “Responding to Resistance to Queer Studies in the Asian American Studies Classroom,” Queer Bodies Composition Class, University of Hawaii, April 2009.

2008 Invited Speaker, Audre Lorde Tribute Panel, National Women’s Studies Association Annual Meeting, June 20, 2008.

2005 Pinay Power: Peminist Critical Theory: Theorizing the Filipina/American Experience. Reading and roundtable discussion co-sponsored by East Wind Bookstore, Asian American Students and the Asian American Studies Program, University of California-Berkeley, October 16, 2005

“Celebrating Pinay Power: A Roundtable of Peminist Voices,” Filipina American Women’s Network National Conference, New York City, June 4, 2005.

What is Pinay Power?” Cross-Cultural Community Center, University of California, San Diego, April 29, 2005.

“Defining Pinay Power: Toward A Peminist Theory, or Theorizing the Filipina American Experience,” Women’s Studies Program Colloquium, Lehigh University, March 31, 2005.

2004 “What is Pinay Power?” Filipina Women’s Network Summit, San Francisco, 23 October 2004

2001 “Nationalism, Nostalgia and Identity: Representations of Folkdance in Filipino American Culture,” Zoellner Arts Center, Lehigh University, November 2001

Conference Activity/Participation

Panels Organized/Chaired (selected)

2017 Maternal Care in Asian and Pacific Islander Im/Migrant Literature, Association for Asian American Studies conference, Portland, April 2017.

2017 “Painting Truth to Power: The Califia Mural and the History of Diversity Studies at California College of the Arts,” National Ethnic Studies conference, San Francisco State, March 2017.

2016 “Bad Girls, Mad Grrlz: Interdisciplinary Pedagogies of Challenge, Subversion and Transformation in Girls’ Studies,” National Women’s Studies Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. November 11, 2017.

2013 “Anti-Imperialist Grrlz Raising Hapa Feminist Boys,” Association for Asian American Studies Conference, Seattle, April 2013.

2011 “Still Here: Speaking Truth to Power in Diversity Studies,” Diversity Leadership Conference, Santa Clara University, April 30, 2011

2009 “Towards a Peminist Epistemology,” Association for Asian American Studies Conference, University of Hawaii, April 23-26, 2009.

Chair and respondent, “Queer Bodies and Counterpublic Spaces in R. Zamora Linmark’s Rolling the R’s,” Association for Asian American Studies Conference, University of Hawaii, April 23-26, 2009.

2007 (Trans)Nation: Race, Ethnicity, Citizenship, and the State of American Literature, Modern Language Association Annual Meeting, December 30, 2007.

2005 “Pinay Power: Charting the Future of Peminist (Filipina/American) Studies,” Association for Asian American Studies Conference, Los Angeles, April 20-24, 2005.

The Ninth Annual MELUS Women of Color Caucus Panel: “Problems and Solutions: Responding to Climate, Mentoring and Advocacy Issues for Women of Color in the Academy.” MELUS Conference, University of Illinois at Chicago, April 9, 2005.

2004 The Eighth Annual MELUS Women of Color Caucus Panel: “Negotiating the Paradox of Diversity and Institutional Fit: Strategies of Survival and Resistance for Women Faculty of Color.” MELUS Conference, University of Texas, San Antonio, March 10-14, 2004.

2003 The Seventh Annual MELUS Women of Color Caucus Panel: “Homeplace in the Academy–An Oxymoron? Women of Color and the Politics of Creating and Sustaining Community.” MELUS Conference, Florida Atlantic University, April 11, 2003.

2001 Roundtable on Asian American Sexualities. Association for Asian American Studies Annual Conference, Toronto, April 2001.

The Fifth Annual MELUS Women of Color Caucus Panel: “Teaching the Literatures of Ethnic American Women of Color.” MELUS Conference, Knoxville College, March 2001.

2000 The Fourth Annual MELUS Women of Color Caucus Panel: “Family, Race and Identity: Reading and Teaching Writing by U.S. Women of Color.” MELUS Conference, Tulane University, March 2000.

1998 MELUS Women of Color Caucus Panel: “Transforming the ‘Traditional’ Canon: Strategies of Inclusion.” Howard University, Washington, D.C., April 1998.

Conference Papers Presented (selected)

2016 “The Radical Possibilities of Girls’ Studies: Decolonizing Girlhood through the

Comic Art of Lynda Barry and Trinidad Escobar,” National Women’s Studies

Association conference, Montreal, Canada. November 11.

2016 “Re/Imagining Girls’ Studies: Beyond the Cis-terhood,” Inaugural International Girls’ Studies Association Conference, University of East Anglia, April 9, 2016.

2014 “Hot Commodities, Cheap Labor: Faculty of Color Transgressions in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies” roundtable presenter, National Women’s Studies Association conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 2014.

2011 “Doing 21st Century Comparative Ethnic Studies in A Historically White Institution: Exploring Art, Identity and Social Justice through Oral History,” Diversity Leadership Conference, Santa Clara University, April 30, 2011.

2009 “Third Time’s the Charm? One Peminist’s Story of Academic Migration, a.k.a A Pinay’s Progress,” Association for Asian American Studies Conference, University of Hawaii, April 23-26, 2009.

2007 “The ‘Raunchy Asian Woman’ of Your Wildest Dreams: When Homophobia and Desire Collide, or ‘Me Love You Long Time:’ A Tragicomedic Job Market Tale,” MELUS (Society for the Study of the Multiethnic Literatures of the United States) Conference, CSU-Fresno, March 2007.

2005 With Gloria Dickinson and Gilbert Neri. “Disruptive Third Worlds and Third Presences: Entering the Third Space of Student and Faculty Multimedia.” 5th Annual Carnegie International Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, London, England. May 13, 2005.

“Outside–In? Asian American Studies, Contingent Institutionalization, and the Uses of Difference: A Roundtable on Academic Migration,” Association for Asian American Studies Annual Conference, Los Angeles, April 21, 2005.

“Acts of ‘Desi-creation’ in Tanuja Desai Hidier’s Born Confused,” MELUS ( Conference, University of Illinois at Chicago, April 8, 2005.

“What A Difference A Queer Makes: Post-Identity Pedagogy and Ethnic Studies,” MELUS (Society for the Study of the Multiethnic Literatures of the United States) Conference, University of Illinois at Chicago, April 8, 2005.

2004 “Mixed Blessings: Korean American Identity and Interracial Interactions in the Young Adult Novels of Marie G. Lee,” Association for Asian American Studies Conference, Boston, March 24-28, 2004.

“Liminality and Mestiza Consciousness in Lynda Barry’s One Hundred Demons,” MELUS Conference, University of Texas, San Antonio, March 10-14, 2004.

2003 “Sexuality: The Final Frontier? Que(e)rying Asian America,” American Studies Association Conference, Hartford, October 26, 2003.

“Creating the On-line Directory of Asian American Artists: Using New Media in the Asian American Studies Classroom,” Association for Asian American Studies Conference, San Francisco. May 9, 2003.

“Don’t Cry for Me, Pilipinas!”: Imelda Marcos in the American Imagination,“ MELUS Conference, Florida Atlantic University, April 12, 2003.

2002 “Advocate or Agitator? Queering the Asian Pacific American Studies Classroom.” The Sixth Annual MELUS Women of Color Caucus Panel. MELUS Conference, University of Washington, April 2002.

2001 “’Bridges’: A Semiotics of Similarity and Difference in a Performance of Lived-Experience by Women of Color.” Created and performed by Drs. Lisa Anderson, Olga Davis, Melinda de Jesús, Karen Leong, and Jackie Martinez. National Communication Association Conference, Atlanta, November 2001.

“War, Memory, and Identity in Lynda Barry’s One Hundred Demons.” American Literature Association Contemporary Literature Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 2001.

“Filipina American Identity and Maternal Legacies in the Comix of Lynda Barry.” MELUS Conference, Knoxville College, March 2001.

Teaching Experience

Centre for Women’s Studies, University of York, UK

Global Girls’ Studies (graduate level), Fall Term 2011

California College of the Arts

A History of U.S. People of Color, Spring 2007-2018

Girl Culture, Fall/Spring 2007-2018

The Monsters We Make, Fall 2005, 2006, 2012-2018

Asian American Literatures, Fall 2010, 2012-2013

Boy Culture, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Spring 2010

Theories of Modernity, Fall 2005, 2006

Arizona State University

The Filipina/o American Experience, Spring 2005

Asian Pacific American Genders and Sexualities, Spring 2001-2005

Asian Pacific American Children’s Literature, Spring 2000, 2004

Asian Pacific American Contemporary Issues, Spring 2003

The Southeast Asian American Experience, Fall 2001, 2003

Asian Pacific American Literature, Fall 2000, Spring 2002

Asian Pacific American Arts and Cultures, Fall/Spring 1999-2004

Asian Pacific Americans and Media, Fall 1999

San Francisco State University

Second Year Composition: The Asian American Experience, Fall 1998

Aspects of Asian American Culture, Fall/Spring 1996-98

Pilipino American Literature, Fall/Spring 1996-98

Asian American Women’s Literature and the Arts, Spring 1997

Asian American Women: Fall/Spring 1997-98

Service to Profession

2016-2017 AAAS 2017 Conference Program Committee member

2015 Manuscript reviewer for Bloomsbury Press, UK (Girls’ Studies)

2012 NWSA Women of Color Leadership Program Fellowship Selection Committee

2006-2007 MELUS President

1997-2008 Founder and Chair, MELUS Women of Color Caucus,

2000-2001 Membership Chair, Executive Committee, MELUS

2003-2004 External Reviewer, Frontiers Journal

2000-2006 External Reviewer, MELUS Journal

2000 Site Committee Co-Chair and Program Committee Member, Association for

Asian American Studies National Conference, Arizona State University, May 2000

1997-1999 External Reviewer, Journal of Womanist Theory and Research

Department/College Service

2018 H&S Internal Review Committee (promotion and tenure)

2016 “Border/Fracture” Diversity Studies symposium coordinator

2014-present President’s Diversity Steering Group

2014-2015 Shut It Down Organizing committee

2013-2016 Appointments, Promotion and Tenure Committee

2013 Diversity Studies Award Committee

2013 “Under the Radar” Diversity Studies conference planning committee and presenter

2010 “Doing Diversity: Making It or Faking It?” Diversity Studies conference program chair/convenor, April 6, 2010

2010-2011 H&S Curriculum Redesign Committee

2010-2011 Interim Chair, Critical Studies

2009-2011 President’s Diversity Steering Group

2009-2011 Faculty/Staff of Color Fellowship, co-organizer

2009-2010 Judicial Hearing Board

2009 H&S Pre-tenure Committee (Fall)

2008-2011 Chair, Diversity Studies

2007-2008 Diversity Studies Program Subcommittee

2006-2008 Curriculum Committee

2006-2007 Community Arts Program Search Committee

2000-2005 ASU Asian American Faculty/Staff Association: President, 2003-2004; Vice President, Spring 2003; Secretary/Treasurer, 2000-2001; Board of Directors, 2000-2005

2001-2005 Co-Founder/Convenor, ASU Women of Color Conference

2001-2005 ASU Philippine American Student Association (PASA) Advisor

2003-2004 Web Designer, Japanese Americans in Arizona Oral History Project

2000-2004 Guest speaker for ASU Early Outreach Program, Women’s Studies Student Collective Brown Bag Series, Multicultural Student Services Center, Intergroup Relations Center

2001 Ethics and Arts Conference Planning Committee, ASU Lincoln Center for Ethics, October 2001

2001 Humanities/Fine Arts Subcommittee Chair, General Studies Council, Arizona State University

2000-2003 Humanities/Fine Arts Subcommittee, General Studies Council, Arizona State University

2000 Coordinating Committee, Diversity in the Learner-Centered Classroom Teaching Conference, September 2000

2000 Asian Pacific American Studies Certificate Program Advisor

1999-2005 APAS Library Liaison

1998 The State of Filipina America: Sino ka? Ano ka? Closing Symposium

Organizer and Panelist, San Francisco State University, October 21, 1998

1996-1998 Founder, Multicultural Literatures Discussion Series, San Francisco State

1996-1998 Asian American Studies Master’s Degree Program Planning Committee, San Francisco State

1996-1998 Dept. of Asian American Studies Library Liaison, San Francisco State

1996-1998 Advisor, Ethnic Studies MA Program, San Francisco State

Professional Memberships

Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS)

National Ethnic Studies Association (NAES)

National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA)

International Girls’ Studies Association (IGSA)

American Studies Association (ASA)

Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United States (MELUS)

Community Memberships

2016-present American Center for Philippine Arts

2014-present Walden Center and School, Diversity Committee and discussion leader

2014-present Temescal Tidalwaves team rep/volunteer

2013-2014 The Model School Preschool Parent Group President

2010-present California Bach Society