an anthology of pussy-positive, vagina dentata-fueled art and writing by diverse women, including trans women and queer/gender non-conforming women
– against sexual harrassment and assault
– against misogyny, rape culture and slut shaming
– against rapists and rape apologists
– against the patriarchy in general
-and against racist sexist transphobic homophobic mofos and anyone else who would fuck with or try to grab our pussies!
Editor: Melinda Luisa de Jesús
Published jointly by Meritage Press (Eileen Tabios) and Paloma Press (Aileen Cassinetto)
Profits will go to the Alipato Project and Bay Area Women Against Rape (BAWAR)
The title is:
– inspired by the recent “me too “and “you too” social media activism highlighting the endemic, universal culture of sexual harrassment and sexual assault that transcribes our lives today
– my desire to create a space for venting/support/solidarity for all women under siege by 45 and his henchmen
– my outrage (now 365+ days old!) at our sexual predator-in chief
Don’t know about you, but my vagenda of manicide still has lots to say about these matters!
Women artists and writers only: send your pussy-powered, vagina dentata-fueled artwork or writing (1-2pgs), and a brief bio to by December 20, 2017.
We strongly encourage work by women of color, queer and trans artists and writers.
Tentative Project Timeline
For Valentine’s Day
12/20/17 submissions due
1/15/18 selections announced
Jan/Feb design + production
2/14/18 Valentine’s Day Bay Area Pop Up Exhibit/Reading
[If we don’t get enough submissions by December we will follow this timeline:
For Mother’s Day
1/22/18 submissions due
2/15/18 selections announced
Mar/Apr design + production
May 2018 Mother’s Day Bay Area Pop Up Exhibit/Reading]